Thursday August 18th 2022 – The start of this day was like any other. sunrise, dock chatter, engines warming up the smell of humidity and flat calm winds. Getting ready for a 6 hour day with no clue what Garrett and I would do to try and put my folks today on fish. My deep sea fishing Wednesday was great but I really had to run for it. Clear out to 2300 ft of water several miles past the wall. I just can’t do that on a 6 hour trip. Time and fuel just will not allow it. We had to come up with a plan. Before the peeps showed up we had decided to wing it and stay short. There were some fish caught in less than 400 ft the last few days. On top of that we were on a pretty good streak with the Wahoo bite last week in about 400. We have been super fortunate on our last several trips our luck was bound to wear off. The deep sea fishing has not been all that great for the fleet all around but we have been having some really good days. I knew that if things were horribly slow I could always pull the plug, cut to a 4 and save them some money and time in the heat. It was hot. Also, I got the word the night before on the check in that there would be an infant joining us.

The Folks showed up right on time for us to get off the dock at 7:30. That is when we learned there was going to be a language barrier along with the infant. 3 very nice folks from Eastern Europe with an infant and 2 adults from France. With only one interpreter for one of the languages. We were going to wing it with the French.
The day started off pretty quick in the 180 – 250ft range just past the color change outside the reef. We were set up to look for pretty much anything that would eat but hoping for a bonito to start us off. Worked out great.
The bonito kept us busy and everyone super excited on their first day Key West deep sea fishing. Lift and reel was the translation for the day. As the day went on there was just enough action with bonito and almaco jacks to keep things rolling and everyone smiling. It was tough out there for everyone.

On the weed line I came across a nice floater in about 250. A stick, barely poking out of the water. I could see some small triple tails and almaco jacks. The radio was loaded with stories of other floaters being found that had nothing. I went past it, baits followed and nothing. Oh well I thought, then WHAM we got slammed. The fish hit a long tracker we were pulling for a bonito or blackfin. Wound up being a stud bull Mahi hit and ran us down as Garrett got my anglers set on the rod. He dumped us pretty hard. I’m guessing he was over 25lbs. Lines tight angler in the chair and loaded up on the fish. The next big hard pull then POW! Yup, he earned his freedom. It was all over for the exception of him trying to get rid of the hook and lure jumping over and over again.. I was bummed. We all were.

As the day progressed we managed some more mahi most of them throwbacks in the short range of 300 ft as we trolled West mixed with some more bonito. Wrapping up the end of our 6 hour trip I worked a little deeper to 350 where we got slammed by 4 mahi and one of them was really good sized along with another keeper. The bull shown here at the top of the post was just over 20 lbs and a champ. He ate an Iland witch – pink. The lady holding him is from France she managed that guy all by herself. Garrett smashed him in the head with the gaff and we were redeemed for losing the big bull in the morning.
As we were wrapping up our day Garrett was pulling up lines off the out rigger first as I started trolling into the dirty side of the color change. Still had the Deep troll bait down when another very nice bull of about 12 lbs hit and made a run for it. Sadly he was lost at the side of the boat as he dove at the gaff shot. A surprising turn out to what we thought would be a slow day of fishing. Goes to show, Ya won’t know till ya go!
Pro Tip
Don’t run over fish to find fish. If your time is limited figure out where you can work to get the most time with your baits in the water. Color changes are very productive if they are nice and sharp.
We have deep sea fishing charters departing every day of the year.
Call us, text us to see what we can do for you and your day on the water here in Key West.
INXS Office 305-292-7212
INXS Text 786-847-3808